Something needs to move. And to do that you need to involve your team. They need to bring in their knowledge, and take ownership of the outcome.
The sessions I design are based on Design Thinking: empathy for the end-user is at the core. These are creative sessions, actively using the knowledge and experience of the participants to get to concrete results.
These are three examples of the types of workshops I can design and run for you.
You need a decision to move on a concrete situation. We use between a half and a whole day

Your situation
You have a concrete question that needs an answer, but it is not simple to get to a decision.
- There are multiple parties to be consulted - how do I get them to agree?
- It is complex, and we must be well informed - how do I avoid a dull day full of presentations?
- This group does not collaborate often - how do I make this productive?
- Determine the root cause. This insight is will be the base for the next step
- Design the session. The outcome must help you address the root cause
- Run the session collaboratively with you
Depending on the complexity anything between 1-3 days to assess & design and 1-2 days to run & wrap-up.
You are looking for a new angle to look at an existing challenge. You want to be surprised by the outcome. You need unexpected and creative ideas.

Your situation
You need fresh ideas and want to involve multiple parties in the process.
- Get viewpoints from different perspectives in- and outside your organisation, sector or industry
- Get inspired by experts through presentations, demonstrations and their general way of thinking
- Get innovative results
- Determine the required innovation. This insight is will be the base for the next step
- Design the session. The outcome must help you in a completely new direction
- Run the session collaboratively with you
Depending on the complexity anything between 3-5 days to assess & design and 2-3 days to run & wrap-up.
You need a new direction, a new product or a new service. You want to take a structured yet creative approach. Typically a multiple-day session.

Your situation
You have a concrete question that needs an answer, but it is not simple to get to a decision.
- There are multiple parties to be consulted - how do I get them to agree?
- It is complex, and we must be well informed - how do I avoid a dull day full of presentations?
- This group does not collaborate often - how do I make this productive?
- Determine the root cause. This insight is will be the base for the next step
- Design the session. The outcome must help you address the root cause
- Run the session collaboratively with you
Depending on the complexity anything between 1-3 days to assess & design and 1-2 days to run & wrap-up.